Saturday, January 19, 2008

Big South Fork NRRA: Charit Creek Lodge

Do you smell that? Well do you? That smell in the air, it's called adventure. To be honest we haven't smelled it too much lately, but I can detect a slight waft of it in the air. Being busy people, with both work and school, Noelle and I haven't had the chance to get out for as many adventures as we would like. However, we recently had the opportunity to make it out to the Big South Fork NRRA for my birthday for a little bit of hiking and a stay in the Charit Creek Lodge.
The stay was awesome.
We were the only ones there for the night
and the food was really good. For dinner the first night we had chicken, greens, fried sweet potatoes, corn bread, beans, and ice cream with bananas for desert. The next morning for breakfast we enjoyed pancakes, eggs, ham, and grits. Our plates were overflowing with food and I ate a lot. When we weren't eating we were hiking. We explored Pickett State Park and visited its Natural Bridge.
We also hiked to the O&W Bridge at BSF.
Overall, a great start to our adventure filled year!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birtday Eric!!! Glad you guys had a great time and yes, with summer slower approaching I do smell Adventure in the air!
