Saturday, February 2, 2008

Microadventure at Cove Springs Park

I've been really busy lately with both work and school taking up a good portion of my time. When you add in eating and sleeping, even less time is left for my adventure lifestyle. Today I had planned on using my day off to do some school work and run various errands. However, it was just too damn nice outside to spend my whole day working so I decided to go on a quick little adventure, what one might call a "microadventure". I packed up my camera and a water bottle and hopped in the car for a quick drive to Frankfort and one of the coolest little city parks I've been to, Cove Springs Park.
There I got the chance to do a little hiking (in the mud), and check out some interesting springs and little waterfalls.
It was a much deserved break from the monotony of school work and helped to recharge my batteries. I feel I'm a much happier person and more productive after one of these quick jaunts. I'm probably a bit healthier too.

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