Saturday, December 27, 2008

Day Two in New York City

We woke up this morning, showered, and walked to the train station to catch the 8:14 into New York. We arrived at Penn Station about a half an hour later, then walked to Dunkin Donuts to get some bagels and coffee. From there it was onto Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site.
Eric was definitely in heaven! The tour was great. It was neat to see where it all began for Eric's favorite president. (Even if the house was not original.) From the Roosevelt Birthplace we walked southeast to the Lower East Side Tenement Museum. We went on the Confino Living History Tour. It was definitely worth a visit as the tour was excellent. After the tour it was lunchtime so we opted for the local deli Katz's. This place is pretty famous for its pastrami and also known for a scene from the movie When Harry met Sally. We thought it was overrated, crowded, and expensive. It was difficult to even find a place to sit in there. After lunch we headed south to the Brooklyn Bridge.
bridge panoramic
We walked across the bridge and into the borough of Brooklyn.
After that we took the 1 train
north to General Grant National Memorial, better known as Grant's Tomb.
General Grant
By the time we had seen Grant's Tomb we were very tired so we headed to Penn Station where we caught the train to Elizabeth Station. Then we got a cab (an expensive one)to our hotel where we showered, relaxed and ate dinner. Another great day in the Big Apple.

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