Saturday, January 17, 2009


In the previous few posts you may have noticed an obvious lack of accompanying photographs. This omission was due to the fact that the special Kodak USB cord for our camera was left at Eric's parent's house. Well the cord has finally been mailed to Lexington, so we have now attached some photos to the aforementioned blog entries. In addition to that news, Eric has officially registered for the Kentucky Derby Marathon on April 25th in Louisville. He now has some extra motivation for training. Just today he embarked on his longest run of his training regimen so far: five and 1/2 miles. Obviously he's got a lot more training to do over the course of the next three months. In addition to the previous news, Eric wants it to be known that he is predicting an Eagles Superbowl win on February 1st. A bold move!

1 comment:

  1. A bold move indeed since ole Kurtis Warner is going to light up the Eagles today - sorry man no Super Bowling for Donny:)
