Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Mount Cammerer

This morning started our overcast, but at least it wasn't raining! I hit the trail early, ready for another epic day-hike. Today's itinerary was a bit less strenuous than yesterday's. I planed 15.5 today as opposed to 18 yesterday. The hike started out uneventfully. I hiked along the Lower Mount Cammerer Trail to a little overlook.

After that bit of excitement I started to ascend passing stone fences and other signs of former habitation along the way.

I kept going up, up, up! Finally I reached the junction with the Appalachian Trail and headed up even more steeply. I passed a lot of backpackers on the Appalachian Trail. I wonder if any of them were thru-hikers? Speaking of which, it was 9 years ago today that I started my thru-hike at Springer mountain in Georgia. It's hard to believe that it was that long ago.

I reached the Mount Cammerer Trail and quickly made my way to the old Fire Lookout. I had been here a few months before with Noelle. It actually looks like someone may have fixed it up a bit since then. I signed the register,

ate a snack, then headed back to the Appalachian Trail to Low Gap,

then back to the (Bill?) Cosby Campground. Another good hiking day. I even found some time to stroll along the short interpretive trail in the campground.

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