Saturday, April 25, 2009

Kentucky Derby Marathon

It was a hot day in Louisville, Kentucky. A bank thermometer at the finish line read 80 degrees and the high for the day was 87. I usually like running in warmer weather, but after running in 40 degrees temperatures just a few days ago, I just wasn't prepared for running in hot weather. I am pretty happy with my time, although I know I could have run faster. The first 18 miles went by without a hitch, then I started to get a little tired. However, it wasn't tiredness that really slowed me down, it was terrible cramps in my legs, especially the left one. There were several times when I had to top in the last five miles to try to stretch my legs out. Anyway, I wasn't far off my goal pace of 8 minute miles. My results can be found here.
Contemplating maybe doing another marathon sometime in the future. Maybe Grandma's since Noelle and I will be in Duluth next summer. We'll see though.

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