Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Black Hills Above 7,000

Eric on Odakota Mountain

Today Eric officially started his quest to stand on top of all seven peaks in the Black Hills that stand above 7,000 feet in elevation. Some of the peaks have already been achieved. The most recent ascent was May’s hike up 7,000 foot Sylvan Peak. Of course we have both hiked up the tallest peak in the Black Hills, Harney Peak, many times. Eric has also been up Bear Mountain which has a fire tower on top and is just a few miles outside of Custer. Today we made our way up Odakota Mountain. It was an easy ascent actually. We drove through Custer towards Crazy Horse, turned off on a county road that leads to the Boy Scout Camp. We drove past the scout camp and turned left onto Forest Road 301. From there we made a quick left onto a muddy Forest Road 693 where we parked just after crossing a cattle guard. From where we parked it was a short hike up an old logging road, then a bushwack through some trees and shrubs, over a fence, and to a small summit cairn. We added a few rocks to the cairn, got our pictures taken, and then headed back to the car. The official list of Black Hills 7,000 foot peaks is:
• Harney Peak: 7,242 ft.
• Odakota Mountain: 7, 200 ft.
• Bear Mountain: 7,166 ft.
• Crooks Tower: 7,137 ft.
• Terry Peak: 7,064 ft.
• Crow’s Nest Peak: 7, 048 ft.
• Sylvan Hill (Peak): 7,000 ft.
Four down, three to go!

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