Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Eastern Wyoming

We awoke this morning to blue skies, but by the time we got out of our sleeping bags and packed up camp the sky was back to its customary gray color. We hit the road, driving north through the Bearlodge Mountains, then east into Aladdin, Wyoming population 15. We stopped at the Aladdin General Store for some sodas, and then headed over to the Aladdin Coal Tipple, a small historic site.
We hiked around the ruins there for a few minutes, and then headed south to Beulah and the Vore Bison Jump.

The bison jump was a very interesting site.
We were told an estimated 20 thousand bison were herded into a sinkhole here over the course of 300 years. Most of the bison broke legs, etc. plunging into the sinkhole, and were later butchered by Native Americans. They allow you to walk to the actual bone beds, and it was well worth the $4 we each paid for admission. They hope to raise enough funds to build a substantial visitor’s center there in the future.

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