Friday, August 14, 2009

Wind Cave National Park: Boland Ridge

Noelle and I finally made it out to Boland Ridge to do some hiking. Since this is our favorite hike in the park, it’s hard to believe it took us so long to get there. Well the hike was not bad. The weather was much cooler than it had been and the trail was well defined thanks to the fence crew using it as a road to get to the fence in that part of the park. However, for the first time we did not see any elk while hiking there (not any live elk at least).

We also spent a little bit of time to check out the deep, narrow canyon back there that some former park employees named Canyon of the House Sized Boulders.
There are also some petroglyphs back there, but I’m not convinced about their authenticity. Perhaps the most surprising aspect of the hike was the fact that we saw two other pairs of hikers out there. It’s good to see people exploring their national park!

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