Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dry Creek Petrified Tree EE Area

Two weeks ago I ventured into the Snowy Range of Wyoming thinking it would be last time in high mountains for a while. However, with great weather predicted for this weekend I decided to make one last trip into the high country of Wyoming. After work last night I ate dinner and then hit the road with the Bighorns my destination. I made it west of Gillette before calling it a night. I camped at the BLM managed Dry Creek Petrified Tree EE Area. I simply set my sleeping pad and bag on a picnic table and spent the night under the stars.

I awoke this morning excited to see the petrified trees and was not disappointed.
While the petrified wood here was not as spectacular as that at Petrified Forest, Yellowstone, or Theodore Roosevelt National Parks, it was an interesting site nonetheless.
I spent about an hour poking around the area before heading through Buffalo and into the Bighorns.

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