Monday, October 19, 2009

The Superior Hiking Trail: Bagley Overlook to Martin Road

i have now officially hiked the entire Duluth segment of the Superior Hiking Trail. Today I drove to the western-most end of the Duluth Segment on Martin Road, parked the car, and started hiking. The trail was pretty flat and so the hiking went pretty fast. I soon found myself on Vermilion Road for a nearly mile long road walk. It actually wasn't too bad though, traffic was very light and the fall colors were spectacular.

After the road walk I found myself inside Hartley Park. It is a nice little park that reminds me a little bit of McConnell Springs without quite so many invasives. From Hartley the trail hit another short road section and then headed into UMD's Bagley Preserve. Once inside the preserve the trail climbed steeply up to the overlook to which I had hiked a few days before. I stopped at the overlook, ate a snack, and then took a photo of myself since I had now completed hiking the Duluth SHT.

My hike for the day, however, was not over. I still had to retrace my steps back to my car. The hike back was uneventful. It feels good to be done. I may go back to Jay Cooke State Park before it snows to finish the section of trail (for some reason its not listed as part of the Duluth Segment) there.

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