Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Superior Hiking Trail: Enger Park to the Rose Garden

Today on my hike of the SHT I was not alone. I had three hiking partners: Noelle, her mom, and her sister Kati. We started at the Enger Tower where we got some great views from the top of the tower, even if it was a bit crowded up there. From the tower we headed towards the Twin Ponds, crossed Skyline Parkway, and then descended through some woods. Eventually we crossed I-35 on a pedestrian bridge and then headed towards Canal Park and Lake Superior itself.

There were a lot of people at Canal Park. It was a beautiful day and I think that everyone wanted to enjoy what may be one of the last really nice weather days for a while. As all four of us were hungry, we walked along the Lakewalk to Fitger's. Since we had a half-hour wait for lunch, we spent some time exploring the Fitgers complex. We learned that it was the ice cream place Bridgeman's last day for the season and that they were giving away free ice cream! needless to say we took advantage of this generous offer, eating dessert before a delicious lunch at Fitger's.

After our lunch we were all very stuffed. To burn off some of our calories we decided to walk through Chester Park. Once again Chester Park offered some beautiful scenery and a really pleasant walk. We were all tired and full by the time we got home!

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