Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Superior Hiking Trail: Kingsbury Creek to Getchell/Highland

Today I decided to fill in the "missing link" of my SHT hikes. In a light rain I drove to the trailhead off Skyline Parkway and headed into the woods. The trail immediately paralleled Keene Creek and the creek was once again beautiful with many little cascades and small waterfalls. The first segment of the hike along the creek was quite enjoyable. The next segment of the hike, however, was quite forgettable. After passing under I-35 the trail was constantly in earshot of the highway: not good. To top it all off the trail wound its way through invasive vegetation: buckthorn and my arch-nemesis bush honeysuckle.

While I enjoyed being outside; even in the rain, I have to admit that this was my least favorite section of the SHT so far. One of the more interesting sections of trail included a walk on taconite pellets which must have fallen off of railroad cars loaded with them over the years, as they were all found underneath a railroad bridge.

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