Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Split Rock Lighthouse State Park: Edmund Fitzgerald Commemoration

Today Noelle and I drove up the North Shore to attend the Edmund Fitzgerald Commemoration at Split Rock Lighthouse. We left Duluth at around 12:30 and ate lunch at Culver's in Two harbors. From there we drove north past Gooseberry Falls to Split Rock Lighthouse State Park.

When we arrived at the park we first went for a hike, a short two-miler, up and around Day Hill. There were several areas along the hike to stop and check out the awesome views.

After our hike we went to the Split Rock Lighthouse State Historical Site. We toured the lighthouse on our own before watching a video about the Edmund Fitzgerald, a 729 foot long steamer that sank off Whitefish Point, Michigan in Lake Superior on November 10, 1975. Twenty-nine men lost their lives when the ship went down. At 4:30 they read the names of each man who perished rang a bell in their honor, and then rang the bell a 30th time to honor all those who have lost their lives in Lake Superior. The lighthouse beacon was then lit, the only time this happens each year.

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