Saturday, March 20, 2010

Northland Tourist Day

Noelle's mom and Aunt Lisa came up to Duluth for a visit this weekend. We were excited to show Lisa around a bit since she had never really been to Duluth before. We decided a trip up the north shore was in order and so our first stop was Betty's Pies. At Betty's we got some appetizers and of course pie.

From Betty's we moved north to my future place of employment: Gooseberry Falls State Park. There we hiked the short loop that goes past the middle falls and lower falls. We also looked around the gift shop a bit and I bought a book about north shore waterfalls. It should come in handy.

After our stop at Gooseberry, we moved on to Split Rock Lighthouse. There we looked inside the visitor center and then hiked down the old tramway to my favorite view of the lighthouse. On the way back to Duluth we stopped at one of the waterfalls in my new book: Second Falls of the Knife River. It was a good day.


  1. YOu're working at Gooseberry??!? Awesome!!!

  2. Yep, I accepted a job as part of the Naturalist Corp. I will start around mid-May. Thinking of taking off after the end of April to hike the Superior Hiking Trail.
