Thursday, June 3, 2010

Superior Coast Hike

I pulled out the ol' Wisconsin Hiking Guide this morning looking for a hike close to home and the Superior Coast hike jumped out as a logical adventure. At around 10:15 I threw my day-pack into the car and headed into Superior. I made a quick stop at my old place of employment, the Challenge Center, for a visit. It was nice to see everyone and many of the people there seemed excited to see me. It made me feel good.

After the visit, I drove out of town and onto route 13 for a drive to my destination. Soon enough Becks Road was into view and I turned up the road and followed it to the beach. At the beach I first stopped to eat lunch and then followed the beach east hugging the shore. There were few footprints in the sand, at least human footprints. There were however, plenty of deer tracks, raccoon tracks and some type of wild dog tracks.

I was able to walk on the beach most of the hike, but there were a few times where trees blocked the entire beach and I was forced to wade in the lake. Luckily it was nice and warm and the cold water felt pretty good. I stopped at a point where the beach was totally eroded away and ate a snack there before retracing my steps back to the car.

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