Sunday, October 3, 2010

Great River Bluffs State Park

After lunch today Noelle, Mom and I headed south to LaCrosse and then across the mighty Mississippi and into Minnesota to hike at Great River Bluffs State Park. While we have been to Perrot State Park on the Wisconsin side of the river we'd never been to the bluffs on the Minnesota side.

The day was beautiful and the drive itself was worth it. The scenery, once we left I-90, was incredible. While the colors in the LaCrosse area are not quite peak yet, they are still pretty.

We drive to the park's campground where we parked and immediately hiked to the first of many overlooks we would visit. The overlook offered great views of the Mississippi and surrounding towns and features.

From this first overlook, we returned to the first trail junction and started to hike a trail that ran in between the far-off river and the park road. Eventually we crossed the road and headed down into a ravine before climbing again. We then came to a junction where we had the option of several trails, two of which led to overlooks.

We checked out the overlooks before moving on again, eventually making our way to the King's Bluff Trail. The King's Bluff Trail is a highlight of the park and there were many people out hiking on this beautiful day. The trail ended at a wonderful overlook of a steep bluff and "goat prairie" and at a Hiking Club sign as well. I was able to log 2.5 more Hiking Club miles. These may be the last ones for a while as the hiking season is slowly coming to an end here in the far north.

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