Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Grand Day of Skiing and Snowshoeing

Woke up to some cold temperatures outside this morning. The actual temperatures (without wind chill) was a cold -20 degrees F. We headed out in the cold anyway with our first stop being the Trezona Trail a four mile long groomed ski trail right inside Ely.

The skiing was great with some nice gentle downhills and some challenging uphill climbs. The cold temperatures left Noelle with frosty eyelashes and the most interesting section of trail passed by the headframe of the old Pioneer Mine.
Skiing near the Pioneer Mine Headframe

After our ski adventure we had not had enough fun in the snow and so we headed back up the Echo Trail to the Bass Lake Trail. The snowshoeing started out very easy on a packed smowmobile trail. After a short distance the hiking/snowshoe trail veered off to the left and we entered into the woods.
snowshoe woods
It was an amazing winter wonderland in the woods. The trail climbed and descended constantly and after about a mile we found ourselves at Dry Falls. Being frozen the falls weren't much to look at, but there was a nice overlook of the lake there.

Soon we moved on and the trail was much less used. While snowshoes weren't really necessary before the falls, I was glad we had them for after. There were also lots of snow laden tree and shrubs hanging over the trail and they would often dump their loads of snow on us as we made our way through their tangled branches.
Snowy Tunnel
The hike seemed to go on and on forever. We were very tired and hungry before it was all over. I was working hard breaking trail much of the way and we nearly got lost when the trail followed a snowmobile trail for a while.

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