Monday, November 14, 2011

Another Ride on the Carlsbad Irrigation Canal

Today was a town day. We spent all day in Carlsbad. Around lunch time Noelle and I went and played a round of disc golf at Carlsbad's 12 hole course. It was a pleasant little course and the wind made it play a bit tougher than it would had the winds been calm.

After our round of disc golf we headed home where we rested for a bit. I needed to get our for a little more adventure though, and so I grabbed the bicycle and went for a little ride.
Shadow Biker

This time I decided to explore the section of bike trail on the part of the canal I hadn't ridden before. The temperature was perfect for a ride. The wind pushed me along as I made my way to National Parks Highway. I crossed the road there and then rode along the dirt road that parallels the canal. I rode past some pecan orchards
Pecan Trees

and soon found myself in a very rural area outside of town. When I got to a road crossing I decided I would have to turn around as the sun was getting low in the sky. There was a little cotton field there and as I turned the bike around I had to deal with the reality of a strong headwind to ride into.  
The Touch the Feel of Cotton

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