Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bottomless Lakes State Park

Yesterday evening, after we left Bitter Lake NWR, Noelle and I headed back through Roswell and then east to Bottomless Lakes State Park. We got a campsite in the small tent campground and then set out exploring some of the small water-filled sink holes near our campsite. It was quite a beautiful scene as the setting sun painted the red rocks a brilliant glowing orange.
Orange Glow

Above Figure Eight

Eric and Lake

Devil's Inkwell

Noelle Parker

Between Two Lakes

Once the sun set the temperature quickly dropped.

It was a cold night in the tent!

This morning we awoke to cold air and frost covering the car. We warmed up by going for a walk along the Bluff Trail past Pasture Lake
Pasture Lake

and Lost Lake and over to the largest of the "Bottomless" Lakes, Lea Lake. We then retraced our steps back to the campground where we packed up the tent and headed back to Roswell for a not-so-exciting rest of the day waiting for some car repairs.

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