Friday, November 18, 2011

Guadalupe Mountains National Park: Lost Peak

Today Noelle and friends Robby and Chris packed into the old Civic and headed to the remote Dog Canyon section of Guadalupe Mountains National Park. We were there to do some hiking, an easy 6.4 mile round-trip hike to Lost Peak. I had hiked up to Lost Peak alone, probably about 7 years ago.
Eric on Lost Peak

Today's hike was much more interesting though, thanks to some great hiking companions and good conversation.

The hike started from an empty parking lot.
Start of Hike

We didn't expect to see anyone else on the trail but soon ran into a pair of backpackers. The canyon hike was pleasant. It was cool and breezy, but not too windy. The winds would pick up though as we ascended out of the canyon. The views got better as we made our way upward.
Hiker Robby

Soon we were making our way off trail and up to what we initially thought was the summit of Lost Peak. This was not the same peak that I had ascended previously though, and so we descended and then made our way up a nearby peak.
Lost Peak

This peak had a large cairn marking its summit and so I think it is the actual summit of Lost Peak.
Eric and  Noelle at Lost Peak

It was too windy to spend much time up there so we quickly made our way down and found a sheltered spot out of the wind where we rested and ate a snack.Thank you Robby for bringing the peanut M&Ms! Because Noelle missed Chris' epic joke from the Guadalupe Peak hike, she was treated to a re-telling.
Hiking Down

Tree Framed Hikers

The going down was definitely easier than the ascent, and we soon found ourselves back in the parking lot.

Our adventure for the day was not yet over though. We visited often-overlooked monument to the Flying Paperboy of the Guadalupes, a man who delivered newspapers by airplane to remote ranchers and hunters.
Flying Paperboy Monument

From the monument we moved on for an inspection of Hippie Hole, a well-known small cave that is a local party spot.
Hippy Hole Entrance

The cave walls were decorated with graffiti, while the floor was littered with broken glass and a mattress.
Inside Hippy Hole

Looking Out of Hippy Hole

It was an interesting visit and an interesting way to end a great day of hiking!

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