Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Guadalupe Mountains National Park: Devil's Hall Trail

Today Noelle, Kris, Kris' friend Mike, and I headed down into Texas to Guadalupe Mountains National Park. We had intended to attempt the hike up Guadalupe Peak, but when we got to the park we realized it was pretty windy and decided to hike to Devil's Hall instead. It was an easy hike, slightly uphill on the way to Devil's Hall.
Hiking to Devil's Hall
We passed an interesting madrone tree.
In the shadiest sections of Pine Springs Canyon there was quite a bit of snow. 
Lots of Snow
Soon we found ourselves at the "Hiker's Staircase". There was a nice view looking back down-canyon.
Looking Down-Canyon
Our first visit to this area was almost 10 years ago!
Noelle on the Hiker's Staircase
Shortly after ascending the natural stairs we found ourselves in the the narrow Devil's Hall Canyon.
Devil's Hall
It hasn't changed much since our first visit in November of 2002.
We stopped at the end of the trail for a short break.
Turnaround Point
Noelle built a little snowman.
Little Snowman
Then it was time to turn around and head back to the trail-head.
Inside Devil's Hall
Hikers' Staircase

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