Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Leaving Santa Fe

Today Noelle and I enjoyed another delicious breakfast. We then packed up and vacated our little room. We headed up Museum Hill. We got up there before the museums actually opened and so we killed some time with a visit to a nice little park. 
Walking Under Shelter
There was a Santa Fe Trail interpretive sign, an interesting modern art sculpture, 
White Park Shelter
 and the Korean War Memorial.
Korean War Memorial
After we left the park we headed back to Museum Hill and an interesting Santa Fe Trail sculpture. 
Sculpture 2
Santa Fe Trail
We then headed to the International Museum of Folk Art. There were lots of interesting exhibits. I enjoyed looking at the folk art of the Andes. 
Andes Scene
Festival Dancer

There was also an exhibit about the wedding attire of some obscure region of Europe. Noelle tried on one of their costumes.
Noelle in Traditional Garb
There was also an interesting exhibit on folk art created in the aftermath of natural disaster.
As we headed out of Santa Fe we stopped at the Santa Fe Brewing Company where I sampled a few of their beers and bought a new pint glass for our collection. We didn't have time to see everything we wanted in this interesting city. We will return someday. 

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