Monday, March 12, 2012

To Santa Fe via Roswell

This morning Noelle, Kati, Mom, Dad and I embarked on our road trip up to Santa Fe. Our first stop was in Roswell, the nearest city to the famous supposed government coverup of a UFO crash landing in 1947 and also the site of the International UFO Museum and Research Center.
UFO Museum
Noelle & Alien Friend
Noelle and I had visited the museum before and it was so long ago that we don't remember paying a fee. upon entering the museum the old man behind the counter asked how many were in our group, handed us some entry stickers, and then proceeded to tell us that the entrance fee was $5 per person. Now, I enjoy a hokey tourist trap every once in a while but $5 is way more money than a trip to the UFO museum is worth. Anyway we toured the outdated exhibits and then got lunch before getting back on the road.

Alien Autopsy

Once in Santa Fe we took a quick trip to the plaza, ate some really delicious pizza at Rooftop Pizza, and then headed back to our room at the El Rey Inn to play Scrabble!  
Scorekeeper Mom
Noelle on Phone with Kati

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