Monday, April 30, 2012

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Last night after work, Robby stopped by to pick Noelle and I up for the long drive to Albuquerque. We arrived at Robby's parents' house after midnight. After a nice sleep, we awoke this morning to explore the Duke City a bit. Our first stop was the Rio Grande Nature Center.

The nature center was interesting. We walked the native plant garden amongst some tall cottonwood trees and saw lots of native wildflowers and hummingbirds.
Then we walked a short trail to the Rio Grande.
Rio Grande
We caught a view of the river before looping back toward the visitor center. Near the visitor center is a nice bird blind. We spent some time there with our binoculars looking for birds.
Birding Noelle
There were lots of wood ducks, Canada geese, teals, and red-winged blackbirds. There were also lots of turtles swimming and basking in the sun.
After some birding we were getting hungry, and so we decided to walk the bicycle trail to Old Town Albuquerque and one of Robby's favorite restaurants: Little Anitas.
Eric and Noelle walking to Old Town
Robby's Fave
We had a delicious New Mexican lunch and then walked around Old Town a bit to burn some calories.
Eric in Old Town

Old Town Church

After a short walk through the touristy area we headed back to the bike trail for our walk back to the nature center. When we reached the car we drove back to Robby's parents' house for a nap. When we awoke it was time for dinner, Italian at Tomato Cafe. From dinner we headed to Isotopes Park for a good ol' fashioned baseball game: the Albuquerque Isotopes versus the Oklahoma City Red Hawks.
The 'Topes won 5-0, but besides the score we really enjoyed the ballpark atmosphere, the Simpsons character statues, and hanging out together.
Our Seats in Isotopes Stadium

Inside Stadium View
Eric & Homer
Noelle, Bart, and Eric
Robby and Lisa

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