Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Cibola National Forest: Gallinas Peak

Yesterday, after hiking to Carrizo Peak and back, I headed north towards Corona and the Gallinas Mountains portion of Cibola National Forest. I found the Red Cloud Campground to my liking. It was quiet, clean, and I had it all to myself. After cooking dinner I decided to go explore the area a little bit. I had read that there are some mines in the area and so I went to see if I could find some of them. It didn't take long for me to find a mine. I walked a bit down the forest road and soon found an unmarked side road. I was intrigued and so took the road. Sure enough, it lead to a mine. This mine had a deep pit shaft
and there were a few remains of the mining era scattered around.
After exploring for a bit I headed back to the campground to get some rest and prepare myself for today's hike up Gallinas Peak.
I awoke early this morning and cooked myself some oatmeal for breakfast. I then packed up camp and hit the road for Gallinas Peak. I headed up FR99 and parked near the road's junction with road that goes to the summit. I decided that even though the Subaru could make it to the top, I would rather hike.
It would turn out to be an easy 4 mile round-trip walk.
The hike went fast and before I knew it I was on the summit.
There were lots of towers up there, including an old fire lookout tower.
Unfortunately, the tower is closed and it is trespassing to even climb the stairs. Without being able to climb to the tower there wasn't much of a view from the peak. Amongst the structures on top are the fire warden's cabin
and an old shed of some type.
After a little while on the summit I started back down the road. The walk down went even faster than the hike up and soon I was back at my car.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eric, Noelle,

    Question: Can my organization, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, use your photo of the Buffalo River in Minnesota for the cover of a report on that watershed?

    I'd give you a photo credit line...

    Scott Andre
    Email: scott.andre(at)
