Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge: Canyon Trail

After our exploration of the Camino Real International Heritage Center it was still early in the day. We drove the roller-coaster like NM-1 past an interesting monument commemorating the Civil War Battle of Valverde
into the refuge. The start of the trail didn't look too promising.
It just looked like a broad, sandy wash. Almost immediately Parker started walking very slow (he hates walking in sand) and Sierra let us know she was hungry. We fixed Sierra a bottle right on the trail while Parker rested in the limited shade.
Once the baby was content we moved on towards some sandstone walls.

Soon we discovered the first inklings of there being a real canyon.
Then the walls of the canyon rose higher and we found a small natural arch.
From the arch, the walls of the canyon got higher still.
While the canyon never got too deep, it was still impressive.

Eventually we made our way out of the canyon and traversed the rim. There were great views down to the distant wetlands.
Next we made our way back down into the sandy bottom of the wash and back to the car.
It was only a 2.2 mile hike, but with a tired baby and the dog it seemed a bit longer.

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