Saturday, March 23, 2013

Goodbye Carlsbad Caverns National Park

The movers moved most of our stuff yesterday, but had just a few things to pack up this morning. They were finished by 9:30 leaving us with a whole day and nothing in the house to do or sit on. We decided to make one last trip up to the caverns to say goodbye to the cave and, more importantly, our good friends there.
The trip through the cavern was nice. We carried Sierra in the backpack and she really seemed to enjoy riding in it.
We first took the elevator into the Big Room where we walked the entire loop.
We stopped for a few photos along the way.
After the Big Room and a stop in the Underground Rest Area we proceeded to hike up the Main Corridor. Sierra was in really good spirits until we reached Devil's Den. She then started to get fussy and tired. We hiked up rather quickly and returned to the Ranger Roost to say our last goodbyes before heading back to our empty house.


  1. Eric-
    Couldn't find a direct email address for you, but I'm looking at Spring Break in Carlsbad and wanted your advise on the Park, as well as some of the cool things in the area.



  2. My advice would be to not go during Spring Break, especially if during Texas spring break. I would do the self-guided tours of Natural Entrance and Big Room and do some hiking over at Guadalupe Mountains NP. Need more specifics?

  3. Yeah, I'm specifically looking at not-Spring Break to avoid the crowds. The self-guided tours would probably be best with my kids. We'd hit up Guadalupe Mtns, maybe swing by Hueco Tanks, Sitting Bull Falls& Cave sounds interesting. What else is in the area that would be fun?
