Sunday, May 26, 2013

Cherokee National Forest: Pete's Branch Falls

It was a beautiful morning today so naturally Noelle, Sierra and I headed out for some outdoor adventure. We headed over to Horse Creek to hike the road and trails to Pete's Branch Falls. I had read that this hike required several creek crossings on the road and that it is difficult to keep your feet dry and so we wore sandals for this hike. Wearing sandals proved to be a good decision.

We hit the road/trail and enjoyed the wonderful sounds and views of the cascading Horse Creek.
Not too much vehicular traffic was encountered which was a good thing because there are some areas where it would have been a tight squeeze to let a vehicle pass. We ascended slowly, crossing the creek four times.
After the last crossing we left the road at a well-signed junction and followed a horse trail.
We then came to another intersection and made a left onto a foot trail to the falls. With all the rain we've been having recently the falls were impressive.
We sat and enjoyed the falls.
We also watched a beetle walk around for a bit
and Sierra got a little bit of a snack before we got back on the trail and retraced our steps across the creek 4 times and back to the car.

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