Saturday, June 15, 2013

Roans Beyond 6,000 Feet

What a beautiful morning! I packed my day-pack and headed out to Carver's Gap on the North Carolina/Tennessee border to hike all the peaks in the Roan Range above 6,000 feet. There are three of them: Grassy Ridge Bald which I hiked a few weeks ago, Roan High Knob on which is the highest shelter on the Appalachian Trail, and Roan High Bluff which I have never been to.

It was a pleasant drive into North Carolina through Allen Gap and up Franklin Mountain Road, through the Shelton Laurel area, and back into Tennessee at Devil Fork Gap. Then I drove through Erwin to the town of Roan Mountain and up, up, up to Carver's Gap. I parked along the road at Carver's Gap. I arrived early enough that the trail was not too crowded as I followed the Appalachian Trail south into the spruce forest.
The hiking was extremely pleasant. The trail was not too steep and the air was nice and cool. I made good time as I climbed to the spur trail that led to Roan High Knob Shelter and the summit of Roan High Knob itself. The last time I was up there was during my AT thru-hike in 2000. A dog barked at me as I approached the shelter, an old firewarden's cabin.
Someone was staying in the upper bunk are of the shelter, but I did not see them. I did find it a bit odd that they slept in so late on the trail. After signing the shelter register,
I made my way to a small outcrop, the highest point in the Roans. I took my photo on the summit and then headed back to the AT.

On the AT I headed south towards Roan High Bluff. I passed the remains of an old chimney
and then found myself at the site of the old Cloudland Hotel. There's not much left of the old hotel, just a few stone foundations and walls. From the hotel site I passed through a massive parking lot and found the trailhead for the Cloudland Trail at the other side.
The Cloudland Trail was a pleasant, mostly level hiking experience.
I pretty much had the trail to myself as I gently ascended on the sometimes gravel and sometimes paved trail. There was a small overlook shortly after leaving the parking lot and I enjoyed the view out over the surrounding area.

Eventually I made my up to an overlook at Roan High Bluff. There were sheer cliffs below the overlook.
It was apparent, however, that the overlook was not the true high point. I followed a ridge of rock just a bit higher to a benchmark and the true highpoint
which laid just outside of a restricted area of rare plants.
I rested a bit on the highpoint. A black slug paid me a visit.
Then I noticed some out of place looking pieces of white gravelly looking rocks, as I presumed them to be. As I looked at them harder I realized it was not rock I was seeing, but small pieces of bone. I think I may have stumbled upon some scattered human cremains. After that revelation I headed back to the trail for the return trip to Carver's Gap.

The hike to Carver's Gap went pretty quickly. I was surprised to learn that the Cloudland Trail is a designated ski trail, probably the only XC-ski trail in North Carolina.
Once I arrived there my hike was not over though. I headed north on the Appalachian Trail
into the grassy balds to return to Grassy Ridge Bald. I was returning because my previous hike to the peak was not long enough to count for the official South Beyond 6k recognition. I made my way up some now familiar area including Jane Bald. The views were just spectacular!
Eventually I made my way to the side trail that leads to Grassy Ridge Bald.
I quickly made my way up the trail, tagged the summit, ate a snack there, and then headed back down towards my car at Carver's Gap.
The hiking back to the gap went fairly quickly. I did, however, stop several times to admire the wonderful views and take some photos.
I just love it up there in the Roans.
I think I may bring Sierra and Noelle up here before we leave for our road trip to the Outer Banks and Philadelphia. While there were some rhododendron flowers in bloom,
I think the rhododendron should be peak right before we leave for our road trip.

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