Saturday, August 17, 2013

Cherokee National Forest: Pine Ridge Falls

Today Noelle and I wanted to take a break from getting our house painted and in order, but we didn't want to go too far. We decided to go for a hike somewhere relatively close by. A hike that isn't too long we decided would be even better so we could take Parker along. We decided a short hike of .6 mile to Pine Ridge Falls fit the bill perfectly.

We drove the Erwin Highway towards Erwin and turned off at Clark's Creek Road. We followed the road into the Cherokee National Forest and parked at a pull-off on the left side and the trailhead for the Longarm Branch Trail. The hike started off on an easy, well-graded old road.
We gently ascended and eventually crossed a small stream. Shortly after crossing the stream we came to a trail junction. The Longarm Branch Trail continued to the right but our trail, a spur, led to the left. We followed this trail for just a short distance and could soon hear the sound of cascading water. Soon enough Pine Ridge Falls came into view.
We admired the falls for a few minutes
before retracing our steps back to the car. It was a short but enjoyable adventure.


  1. I am not sure how to contact you any other way, but wanted to ask you a question. Would you mind if I would use one of your pictures in my creative writing class blog? Here is who I am:
    The creative writing blog is under construction at this point.

  2. This is a nice blog, Eric. I was just up in your neck of the woods hiking last weekend. If you have not already hiked it, then I think you would enjoy the Roan Highlands on the Appalachian Trail. Check out my blog of the hike at
