Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tusculum Linear Trail

Today Sierra and I let Noelle (aka Mommy) have a day to work on school stuff while we went for a walk on the nearby Tusculum Linear Trail.
This would not be our first time on the trail. Last March, just after we had arrived in Greeneville, I took a pleasant spring afternoon to explore the portion of the trail that meanders around some farm fields
and along a small stream.
I quite enjoyed the hike and was excited to get back and walk another portion of the trail with Sierra.

We parked at the lot off of Tennessee Highway 107 and immediately crossed the highway on the footbridge.
Then we walked through some nice, quiet neighborhoods and past some farm fields and an old tobacco barn.
Eventually we found ourselves on the campus of Tusculum College. We stopped for a snack near the baseball stadium: Pioneer Field.
Sierra enjoyed running in the grass and picking up leaves and small stones.
Then we retraced the route back to the car. Sierra fell asleep in the backpack just before we reached the car and didn't even awaken when I transferred her into her car seat. I think this will be the first of many "Daddy/Daughter Adventures"!

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