Saturday, March 15, 2014

Erwin Linear Trail: TN Highway 107 to Bass Ponds

It was just too beautiful a day to sit around the house. We decided to head over to Erwin and check out the paved trail that you can see from Interstate 26: the Erwin Linear Trail. We brought Parker along for this hike and parked in the lot near the new Pal's Restaurant. Once on the trail we headed south towards the Chestoa Recreation Area.

Even though the trail closely parallels the interstate, walking it was a pleasant experience. It passes by
and crosses over several small streams and ponds.
In the ponds we caught glimpses of turtles, geese and ducks.
There are some really interesting mosaic benches placed along the trail for taking breaks.
Spring made her presence known also: there were some daffodils in bloom along the trail.
The trail also passes a pleasant playground which we stopped at for a short break that allowed Sierra to ride the swing. Altogether we walked just about 1.5 miles into an industrial area where we turned around and headed back to the car. We even let Sierra out of the stroller a bit to stretch her legs!
walking trail threesome

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