Sunday, October 5, 2014

Buffalo Mountain Park: Hike to White Rock Overlook

Another beautiful day in East Tennessee! The whole family set out to enjoy the weather and get some fresh air. We decided to head up to Johnson City to eat at the relatively new Tupelo Honey Cafe there, go for a hike at Buffalo Mountain Park and get ourselves a pumpkin on the way home. The food at THC was delicious like last time we ate there in Knoxville. A bonus to the Johnson City restaurant is the fact that it is in an old train station with lots of train memorabilia on the walls and a model train display to look at. Sierra loved the train display!

After our lunch we were ready to burn off some calories. We drove into Buffalo Mountain Park and parked at the alternate trailhead for our hike up to White Rock.
The hike started off pretty steep.
We climbed until we reached a ridge and then things leveled off a little bit. There was a bit of color.
Mostly the red of some sourwood trees.
We kept making our way up the trail and stopped to take a short break for some photos.
Shortly after resuming our march, we found ourselves at the first overlook where we stopped to admire the view and take some photos.

From the first overlook the trail climbed gradually, arriving at the White Rock Overlook after a short distance. Again we admired the view and took some photos.
This overlook we shared with lots of others including a guy resting in a hammock he had secured between two trees. From the summit we decided to take the service road down instead of retracing our steps down the trail.

Taking the road gave me a bit of a break as it allowed Sierra to walk for a bit instead of me carrying her in the backpack. She made it about half way down the mountain before she got tired and we put her in the backpack. Before we knew it we were back at the car for our drive to the farm stand to get a pumpkin and some apple butter.

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