Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Voyageurs National Park: Blind Ash Bay Trail

This morning we got our new canoe registration at the DMV in town. Unfortunately, the forecast today was for high winds, and so we put off our first adventure out on the water. Instead we headed down to Ash River to do some hiking on the Blind Ash Bay Trail.

Our first stop was the Ash River Visitor Center at the old Meadwood Lodge.
We explored the building a bit
and then headed down to the lake for lunch at the wonderful picnic area there. Besides lunch, we found some turtle eggs that had recently been dug out of the soft, sandy soil by a hungry animal.
After lunch we headed back to the car and got our gear ready to hit the trail.

We immediately passed some yellow flowers
and red-osier dogwood in bloom.
Sierra decided she wanted to hike on her own which was fine with me.
However, she didn't want any help on the rocky or slippery spots.
She told us that she is a "big girl' and that she didn't need any help. After some arguments, we finally convinced her that everyone needs a hand now and then. Soon, a view opened up just below the Kabetogama Lake Overlook.
We quickly admired the view (the mosquitoes were starting to bite) and then started moving again.
There was bunchberry scattered here and there along the trail.
Besides the wildflowers, there was fungus scattered along the trail
and a few big white pine trees.

Eventually we made it to the loop intersection

where we found the Hike to Health rubbing plate. This one was an owl
which Sierra did an excellent job of making a rubbing of.
After having made the rubbing we started the loop portion of the hike, moving in a clockwise direction.
Some nice views opened up out to Blind Ash Bay and Kabetogama Lake.
After completing the loop, we retraced our steps on the trail. We saw three garter snakes
at the base of a white pine tree and after Sierra had pointed out  a pink lady slipper, we noticed a small, well camoflauged tree frog
hopping along the forest floor. Good eyes Sierra! By the time we returned to the car we were all quite tired. After a short hike on the Beaver Pond Overlook Trail to get the rubbing, (we had forgotten our Hike to Health book when we hiked it a few weeks ago) 
we returned to the car and Sierra promptly fell asleep!

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