Friday, July 29, 2016

Voyageurs National Park: Paddling to Moxie Island

The forecast called for another beautiful summer day in northern Minnesota. Wanting to do paddle somewhere a little bit different, Noelle, Sierra and I loaded the canoe on the roof of the Subaru and made the drive down to Kabetogama for a paddle out to Moxie Island. We stopped at the visitor center first to use the restroom and stamp our passport books. We then put in on the nearly glassy waters of Kabetogama at the boat ramp and headed east, following the south side of Sphunge Island.
As we paddled through Duck Bay we spied
some of the bay's namesake ducks: some Mallards and soon thereafter we were approaching the beach at the Moxie Island day use site.
We ate lunch at the picnic table there.
I finished quickly and so I explored the island a bit as Sierra and Noelle finished up. I found a nice overlook from a rocky outcrop on the north side of the island.
When I rejoined Noelle and Sierra it was time for some swimming.
And swim we did!
The water temperature was just about perfect. In addition there were wonderful views out across Kabetogama Lake
and not too many leeches.

After a few hours swimming and lounging on the island, we decided we better move on back to the car. We decided to paddle back via the north side of Sphunge Island.
On the way back we saw an old chimney standing on the rocky shore.
We got out of the boat to investigate a bit
and I found a metal sign that labeled it as Bill Van Lynn's Chimney.
Shortly after we got back in the boat for our paddle back to the boat ramp, we passed a group of ducks swimming along the rocky shoreline of Spunge Island.

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