Monday, February 6, 2017

Voyageurs National Park: Bushyhead Island Snowshoe Circumnavigation

It was snowing pretty steadily when we woke up this morning, but eventually we were able to get going and head out for some adventure. There was about 3 inches of new snow on the ground when we made the drive out to the Rainy Lake Ice Road and headed over to its current end, near Bushyhead Island. We strapped the snowshoes on our feet
and set off in pursuit of adventure!
Our first stop was the mine adit.
This time I went as far inside as I could before it started to get too warm to form ice.
I didn't want to break through and get my feet wet and so at the point the ice started to make cracking sounds, I turned around. I did spy a hibernating bat at the turnaround point. There were also some really cool icicle stalagmites.

We headed out of the adit
and  and started to make our way around Bushyhead Island in a clockwise direction.
There were some cool cliffs on the northern side of the island.
At the east side of the island we found a gently sloping hill
hiking up Bushyhead
that I followed to a great view from the summit of the hill there.
Sierra followed me partway up
and even enjoyed rolling down a short portion of the hill. Then we started to make our way back to the car. Sierra got in her obligatory snow angel
before we made it back to the Subaru.

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