Thursday, August 24, 2017

Paddling to Ash River Falls

With calm winds forecast for today, we decided to take advantage by heading over to Ash River to paddle to the falls there. We ate a picnic lunch in the parking lot, and then put the canoe in the water for the paddling adventure. It was a pleasant paddle upstream. We saw a family of otters playing in the water. They seemed curious about us. There are some homes along the first section of river, but the scene became more natural as we headed upstream. Sierra brought her net to catch things in.
Soon enough we were at the falls.
There wasn't a whole lot of water flowing this late in the season,
but it was still a pleasant scene. We found a spot to get out of the canoe and scrambled up to a nice spot overlooking the falls
and Ash River below.
I had heard there was another small waterfall up above the main one, so I left Noelle and Sierra for a bit
and scrambled up above the main falls and found the small cascade.

I made my way back down to Noelle and Sierra
and then we headed back into the canoe. We took one more look at the falls from the water and then headed downstream.
Sierra liked poking the waterlilies and pulling vegetation out of the water.
As we approached the boat ramp we saw a pair of eagles,
one adult and one juvenile, perched on a white pine tree. We watched them for a while and then made our way back to the ramp.

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