Friday, September 29, 2017

Hiking the Rainy Lake Nordic Ski Club Trails

Originally we had planned on taking the canoe out for one last paddle. It was pretty chilly this morning though, and so instead we opted to try hiking at some ski trails on the Fort Frances side of the international border. After crossing the bridge Sierra got to spend some of her Tooth Fairy money at Betty's. Then we got lunch at the Harbourage, before heading across the Noden Causeway to trailhead.

We didn't know much about the trail system here, so I was afraid that it would be a swampy mess. However, it turns out that the club maintains a hiking trail and that's where we started.
Right off the bat we saw a curious squirrel.
There were mushrooms everywhere!
The trail led to a photogenic beaver pond.
There was a picnic table there. Had we known we probably would have brought a picnic lunch with us. There was some aster blooming near the pond's edge.
After a short break at the beaver pond we moved on
passing a huge cairn.

Eventually the trail split. We took the branch to the right and shortly after intersected a ski trail. The ski trail was relatively dry and we hiked it
with a few views through the trees out to Rainy Lake. We stopped to rest on a big flat rock
and then hiked the ski trail back to the car.

It was an interesting hike and a place we hope to return to once snow covers the ground. They have both ski trail and snowshoe trails, so if nothing else we may come back to snowshoe.

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