Monday, May 28, 2018

Fort Whyte Alive

This morning we packed up our campsite at Bird's Hill Provincial Park and headed to the other side of Winnipeg to check out Fort Whyte Alive, a nature center and preserve. The first thing that you notice when you drive in is prairie dogs.
Sierra enjoyed watching them immensely! After checking out the prairie dogs for a few minutes, we went inside the Alloway Reception Centre where we learned a little bit more about the site to plan our visit. We headed from there to the Interpretive Centre, where they have an interesting burrowing owl exhibit and then out into the natural part of the site. We walked past a Canada goose nesting
and over to some boardwalks that cross wetlands.

We saw a few ducks and turtles in the wetlands,
but not much else.

We were getting hungry at this point, and so we went back to the car to get ourselves some lunch before we returned to the trails. We would be hiking the Carolyn Sifton Trail. It started at a sod house.
It was nice and cool inside
and the volunteer there talked to us for a bit and showed us a book about life in a soddy. Then we continued on
to the bison overlook and then the Family Treehouse.
The bison were a bit closer to the treehouse,
so we got a decent view of them from the top. Sierra explored a "shelter" made out of tree branches for a bit
and then we returned to the car for the long drive back into the US.

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