Monday, July 2, 2018

Zippel Bay State Park

After last night's storms, and a restful night's sleep,
we awoke to a beautiful clear morning. We ate breakfast and explored the campground area a bit. Sierra and I found some ripe wild strawberries.
Yum! We also found lots of blueberries, but most of them aren't quite ripe yet. About mid-morning we headed out to do some exploring and swimming at the beach area. We walked along the beach to see what we could find.

It was quickly warming up, and so walking in the water to cool our feet seemed the logical thing to do.
We walked as far as a driftwood shelter
and then started to make our way back to the main swimming area.

When we arrived at the swimming area, it was of course, time for a swim. Sierra practiced her new swim skills a bit.
We also found life in the waters: dragonfly larvae
and tadpoles.

The beach was mostly pleasant, except for the biting flies. Eventually the flies drove us back to our campsite where we packed up our still wet tent, ate lunch and then hit the road for the return to International Falls.

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