Thursday, October 18, 2018

Sugar Loaf Bluff Hike in Winona, Minnesota

Last night we made the drive from the Falls down to Galesville for the Minnesota Education Association (MEA) Weekend. Today was forecast for beautiful blue skies and warm temperatures. Heaven knows we haven't had much of those lately and so I made an effort to get out and enjoy it before the onset of winter.

I made the drive across the river and into Winona. My plan was to look for a birthday present for Noelle and also explore Sugarloaf Bluff, a prominent landmark above Winona. The birthday gift mission ended up being a fail, but the hike up Sugarloaf Bluff was a success. The hike starts near Edina Realty
and heads into the woods.

The leaves on the deciduous trees are in full color right now. Perhaps just past their peak with many littering the trail.
As I approached the crest of the bluff,
views opened up down into Winona
and out to the Mississippi River.

After one final ascent, the distinctive bluff was suddenly right before my eyes.
I enjoyed the view for a bit and then retraced my steps back to the car.

Update: October 19, 2018

After yesterday's hike up Sugarloaf Bluff, I decided I wanted to share the experience with Noelle, Sierra and Mom. After our visit to Prairie Moon and the Monarch we headed back across the river for my second hike of Sugarloaf. It would be everyone else's first.

Today's hike started under an overcast sky.
We made our way through the colorful forest

and up to the crest.
By the time we ascended to the bluff itself,
the sky was clearing nicely. The girls posed for a couple photos

and we watched some climbers for a bit
before descending down to the car for the drive back into Wisconsin.

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