Monday, May 6, 2019

International Falls Every Street Project: Day 6

Today was the longest run of my All Streets project so far, about 3.5 miles. I started with a run down 6th Avenue headed south to 11th Street. I made a left onto 11th Street to cover a section of that street I had missed on the previous run. I crossed over Highway 53 just as the setting sun broke through the clouds. It made for some interesting lighting for the rest of the run.

I followed 11th Street to where I could go no further east and turned right onto 1st Avenue West. Then it was another right onto 12th Street West and back across Highway 53 to Industrial Avenue. I followed Industrial Avenue to near the town water tower
and then made a left onto 15th Street. I followed 15th to Highway 53 and turned around. I spent most of the next few minutes zigging and zagging through the neighborhood back there trying to run every road. Some of the roads I ran I wasn't even sure if they were official roads. They almost seemed like driveways, but I ran them anyway. it was quite interesting to run in the pleasant light of the sunset,
even if I did have to run past two of the roughest looking individuals I've encountered yet in International Falls. I have to admit their appearance I found a bit scary.

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