Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Tilson Creek Bogwalk

Conservation Corps of Minnesota and Iowa recently finished up their work on the new Tilson Creek Bogwalk. This was a project sponsored by the local cross-country ski club, the Polar Polers. I decided to take advantage of a beautiful spring day by going for a walk!

I pulled into the Tilson Bay boat ramp parking area around 11 am and set off on the boardwalk. The beginning portion traverses a section of wet woods.
Then, the boardwalk heads into an open peat bog with scattered spruce and tamarack.

At an outdoor classroom with a small seating area, I decided to have a closer look.
I looked for signs of carnivorous plants like pitcher plants and sundew, but did not find anything. It will be interesting to return in the summer to see if any orchids grow close to the boardwalk. I continued on,
eventually heading back into a wooded area
and then onto the grassy ski trails.

I hiked the swampy ski trail to the shelter
(it was a bit strange to see it without snow on the ground) and then continued on the beginner loop. It was more water than I cared to hike in though, so after I was finished with the short loop, I made my way back to the boardwalk for the hike back to the car. 
I decided to end my hike with a trip across Highway 11 and along the Tilson Bay Trail to the high overlook. As I had expected, I was able to get a great view of the distant boardwalk from the overlook.
I then retraced my steps back down to the car. 

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