Monday, May 20, 2019

Whiteshell Provincial Park: Amisk Trail

This morning I was awake in time to see the sunrise at West Hawk Lake.
I made coffee, had breakfast and then packed up camp. I would be headed through the northern part of Whiteshell Provincial Park and then skirting around Winnipeg to visit the Narcisse Snake Dens. First on my agenda though, was a hike on the Amisk Trail. Amisk is Ojibwe for beaver (though we say Amik in Minnesota). I hit the trail through an old field and then passed over a swampy area on a short boardwalk.

There were glacial erratics here and there along the trail.
Soon I found myself at a small stream with beautiful views.
A spur trail headed down to a section of the stream where I found a beaver dam,
beaver lodge, and even spotted one of the resident beavers. I observed the beaver for a bit and then finished up my short hike on the Amisk Trail. It was still fairly early in the day though, so I decided as I headed north a quick stop at Rainbow Falls was in order.

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