Sunday, June 16, 2019

Superior National Forest: Secret/Blackstone Lakes Trail

Today Noelle, Sierra and I decided to get out of town by making a trip over to Ely. We drove through town and east to the Secret/Blackstone Trail System. We ate a snack in the trailhead parking lot
and then hit the trail.
Almost immediately we had to stop to put on some bug spray. Sierra hiked with her hood on to keep the biting insects at bay.
Flowers in bloom included wild rose,
nodding trillium,
and pink lady's slipper.

The trail traversed several high ledges which afforded overlooks of several lakes including Secret Lake,
some small unnamed ones, and Ennis Lake.
We enjoyed the view at each overlook and inspected the campsite along the shores of Blackstone Lake
before returning to the car. 

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