Saturday, December 21, 2019

Coyote Ridge Natural Area

I had business to take care of in Fort Collins today. I woke up early and hit the road. It was about 2 hours and 15 minutes to town where I immediately sought out the trailhead at the Coyote Ridge Natural Area. I parked in the half full parking lot there and hit the trail, an old, wide gravel road at this point.
There were lots of prairie dogs off the side of the trail. They didn't seem too worried about the presence of humans.
Soon enough the trail started to climb a bit. I took a short side trail to an overlook where a large herd of deer was grazing.
Then I started to climb to the trail's namesake: Coyote Ridge.
When I reached the top of the ridge, I was treated to wonderful views.
I stopped for a water break under an interesting tree,
then continued down the ridge into a valley and up a second ridge. I reached the junction with the Rimrock Trail,
completed a short loop, and then retraced my path back to the car to run my errands in town, with a great lunch at Comet Chicken.

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