Friday, January 24, 2020

Scotts Bluff National Monument: Hike to the Old Picnic Area

With Sierra in school, Noelle and I have started to make Fridays our date days. Today our date would include a hike in a seldom traveled section of Scotts Bluff National Monument, the old picnic area on the west side of Mitchell Pass. We parked the car along side the road, and hit the trail, actually the old road with a chain across its entrance.
We hiked the old road to the point where it seemed to peter out.
It was a wide flat spot that I assume was the old picnic area. There wasn't much left of it. It was very scenic though,
with lots of ponderosa pines
and some ravines.

After exploring the area for a little while, we retraced our steps on the old road,
headed back to the car.

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