Friday, March 6, 2020

Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area: Cedar Ridge Trail

Another date day hike for Noelle and I. After a quick trip to the hospital for some routine lab work, we made the quick and scenic drive to Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area. The forecast high temperature for the day is over 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and so we just had to get out and take advantage of the beautiful weather. Today we hiked on the Cedar Ridge Trail.

The hike began at an old, stone picnic shelter that had been built by the CCC. We headed out on the ridge through scattered ponderosa pines and cedars.
Views opened up immediately. 
Where the trail split, we followed the highest point of the ridge
out to an impressive overlook.
Then we retraced our steps to the fork and descended down into a canyon. As we made our way to the intersection with the Turkey Run Trail, we were met by a woman riding a mule. Myself, Noelle, the mule and its rider were all spooked by the unexpected encounter. We made a left onto the Turkey Run Trail and passed by an interesting rock outcropping.
We would explore it a bit more on the return.
We found ourselves at the junction with the White Tail Trail,
and turned around, heading back in the direction from which we had just come.
Soon the trail started to climb out of the canyon.
We encountered ice on an area of trail we had hiked a few weeks ago.
Then we found ourselves at the Turkey Run Trailhead, where we walked the road back to the car.

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