Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Return to Toadstool Geologic Park

Back in October I made a trip out to Toadstool Park and had a wonderful time. I really wanted to bring Noelle and Sierra back and we've been itching to get out of town for a bit. And so, we made the drive up north to Crawford and Toadstool Geologic Park.

We packed a picnic lunch and ate upon our arrival.
Then we hit the trail!
Sierra was quite excited by a landscape unlike any other she had ever seen.
She just had to climb around on some of the rocks along the trail.
We slowly made our way around the loop, exploring side canyons that we thought looked interesting.
 At one point Sierra found a "natural bench" to have a seat on.
We slowly made our way back to the start of the hike, enjoying the interesting badlands scenery.
Our last stop before we hit the road; the sod house.
Then we hit the road headed back south to Gering. On the way home we decided to stop at Lake Minatare State Recreation Area to check it out for future canoe trips. We saw the famous lighthouse
and Sierra even dipped her toes in the cold water.
We will return some day soon with the canoe.

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